Third-Party Billing


If a qualified third party is paying your tuition and fees and requires an invoice in their name, your third-party payer must submit a billing authorization form and letter to receive an invoice from the University. The sponsorship will not be applied to your account until all required documents are received, which may prevent registration.

For students who are sponsored by an organization that releases a Financial Guarantee (ex: Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission, The Cultural Office of the Kuwait Embassy, etc.), the student must provide a valid Financial Guarantee in place of the billing authorization form and letter before charges are deferred.

For guidelines on the authorization letter, see Third-Party Billing Letter Guidelines.

Having a sponsor does not relieve any student of their financial obligations to the University. If the sponsor fails to pay any amount for any reason, the student will remain responsible for paying their financial obligations to the University. Except for Harvard College, housing and rent are not eligible for Third-Party Billing. Students must work with their sponsor directly if their sponsorship includes living expenses.

Third-Party Billing is offered as a courtesy to our students. The reflection of sponsorship on the Student Account does not constitute a contract between Harvard University and your qualified third party.

If you’d like to grant your parent(s) or another individual access to your student account for the purpose of making payments, please see Delegates.



Qualifications for Third-Party Billing

Outside organizations can qualify for third-party billing if:

  • They will cover all or most of your tuition and fees

  • They will send payments directly to Harvard

  • They require an itemized invoice to be addressed in their name

Outside organizations can't qualify for third-party billing if:

  • Payments will be sent directly to you

  • Only proof of registration or a copy of your bill is required

  • The third party is a department within Harvard University

Important Information for Students Using Third-Party Billing

  • You will continue to receive a monthly bill. Do not set up your third party as a Delegate on your student account. This will result in duplicate billing.
  • Third-party payments are not subject to the same deadlines as student payments, nor are third-party bills sent at the same time as student bills. You are responsible for ensuring that payments made on your behalf are received in a timely manner. We generally expect payment within two months of the start of semester.
  • If your third-party payer fails to pay, you are responsible for paying all charges due on your account.
  • Third-party payers cannot be billed for past terms or for any items that are not posted to your student account.