I’m applying for Ch33. How much should I expect to receive from the VA for my Basic Allowance for Housing and my stipend for books and supplies?

The amount of your BAH (also referred to by the VA as the “MHA” for CH33 participants) is based on the military’s BAH for “an E-5 with dependents.” The rate is determined using the Cambridge zip code, 02138, which can be found here

Your BAH payment is pro-rated to match your % eligibility for CH33 funding. Students attending half-time or less or students using the benefit while on Active Duty (or spouses using the transferred benefit while their spouse is on Active Duty) are not eligible to receive BAH payments through their CH33 benefit. 

Your BAH is also based on your enrollment. If a term begins mid-month, you will receive a pro-rated BAH payment for the days you were enrolled.